Category Archives: Year 4

The Magic Box


I will put into the box

An ice cream that could never melt,
A first bark of a puppy,
A shooting star which spins round and round,
All the stars in the sky.

I will put into the box

The first thing that a mum ever saw,
The first ever CD that was ever listened to,
The first cloud that appeared.

I will put into the box

The bluest water from Mount Everest,
The squishiest marshmallow which was ever eaten.
The first tooth of a baby shark.

My box is fashioned from

Gold metal, a zebra’s coat, seaweed,
with lipstick on the lid and teddies in the corners.
Its hinges are made of a child’s milk teeth.

I shall go and make snow angels in my box
Then I would go to sleep on a nice and comfy pillow
And be drinking mango juice.

by CW, Year 4

The Magic Box


I will put in the box

A chocolate bar that never loses its taste,
Millions of pounds that are as light as a feather,
A golden whale.

I will put in the box

A baby’s first word,
A wizard that can grant you as many wishes as you want,
The last smile of an uncle.

I will put in the box

The last rain drop that fell from the sky,
Ten thousand wishes that always come true,
Two Christmases in one month

My box is fashioned from melted chocolate and shiny silver stars,
With dreams on the lid and wishes in the corners.
Its hinges are made of iron and steel.

I shall jump to the highest mountain in my box,
Then I will fly to the golden shining sun
And go to space in my box.

HW, Year 4



Glassy eyes sparkling like diamonds

Mouse whiskers twitching as it smells its prey

Needle teeth waiting to bite

Its bottle brush tail swinging as it moves

Lumbers from place to place as if it’s trying to hide

Dagger claws scraping the hard ground

Its snarl is as frightening as a bear

Bite is as deadly as a tiger

It pounces like a cat as it kills a small rat

Black stripes camouflage it in the long grass.

BC, Year 4